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File List | 1997-01-07 | 6.4 KB | 93 lines |
- DMPCL271.ZIP 241,398 12-10-96 DumpAcl-NT v2.7 for Win NT. Security
- | auditing program to dump file system and
- | other types of permissions, audit
- | settings, user/group info, etc. In a
- | concise, readable listbox format, so that
- | 'holes' in system security are readily
- | apparent.
- FAXBAT30.ZIP 410,687 10-10-96 FAX-sending Gateway v3.0. Allows machines
- | on a network to queue faxes for sending by
- | a dedicated fax-server. Can be used as a
- | fax gateway for Pegasus mail.
- FAX_N514.ZIP 782,490 12-07-96 FaxMail Network v5.14 for Win 95/NT. Adds
- | faxing capabilities to applications.
- | Features include an auto-print on receive
- | option, background operation, custom cover
- | pages, a fast fax viewer, timed sends,
- | logging of all past and future fax events
- | and more.
- FSL230.ZIP 293,485 10-05-96 FSLogin v2.30 <ASP> Full screen login for
- | Novell Netware. Provides a user friendly,
- | menu driven interface to guide the user
- | through the login process.
- LCDML100.ZIP 78,616 10-16-96 Least Common Denominator v1.0. Tired of
- | LAN e-mail software that you need Einstein
- | to install for you? Don't want to pay a
- | fortune for features you don't need?
- | Here's the solution! Runs under DOS (TSR
- | or standalone), OS/2 (standalone), and
- | Win3x.
- MAREDW32.ZIP 804,347 11-06-96 Mailred v3.2 for Win 95/NT. For Microsoft
- | Mail. Mailred redirects messages from a
- | mailbox to another address and/or sends
- | absent notifications (Out-Of-office
- | Messages).
- NETNOTE.ZIP 1,200,60 11-22-96 NetNote v2.2a for Windows. Provides simple
- | 'Post-It' style notes in a network
- | environment. It displays a small
- | multi-colored window that always sits on
- | top of any application that is running,
- | ensuring that the recipient does not
- | ignore it.
- NETSW198.ZIP 104,049 11-14-96 NetSwitcher v1.98 for Win 95. Addresses a
- | problem in which afflicts users who need
- | to connect to more.
- NNTDOC25.ZIP 364,693 10-28-96 McAfee Netshield v2.52 for Windows NT.
- NWCOPY.ZIP 187,550 10-22-96 NWCopy v1.47 for Win 95/NT. Allows copying
- | of files and directories to multiple
- | NetWare file servers by simply dragging
- | the selected files from File Manager or
- | Explorer and dropping them on the NWCopy
- | window.
- N_EMAIL.ZIP 54,037 11-18-96 Network Email v4.15 for Windows. Email
- | system features text messages, pop-up mail
- | notification, distribution lists, and
- | more. You can attach a document, program,
- | or picture file to any message.
- PKTSPY10.ZIP 89,644 12-01-96 PktSpy v1.0 for Windows. Ethernet traffic
- | analyser (let's see who and what is
- | working), using a packet driver. Freeware.
- PPRD199.ZIP 179,076 10-14-96 Network LPD printer server PPRD v1.99.
- | Turns a DOS PC into a dedicated network
- | printer server that talks the LPD and
- | Direct (port 9100) protocols over TCP/IP.
- | It can serve up to 3 printers connected to
- | the parallel and serial ports of the PC.
- QMSG08A.ZIP 136,080 11-10-96 QuickMsg - Chat program that sits on your
- | Systray and lets you start chats or send
- | messages to other QuickMsg users, Features
- | include an Answerphone, Scribbleboard,
- | Address Book, etc.
- RSHDN206.ZIP 407,306 12-14-96 Winsock RSHD/NT v2.06 for Win NT. NT
- | version of the Unix Remote Shell Deamon.
- | Uses the standard rsh command to allow you
- | to remotely execute programs. Uses the
- | standard rcp command to allow remote file
- | copies to and from the Win NT system over
- | TCIP.
- UT21_C.ZIP 603,476 10-15-96 UniTime v2.1 for Win 95/NT. Set of four
- | programs that allows you to synchronize
- | the time of machines in a LAN running
- | Windows for Workgroups or
- W397N.ZIP 1,824,72 11-16-96 WinWhatWhere (Network Edition) 97.00 for
- | Windows. Powerful time and usage monitor.
- | It will display when a program started and
- | how long it ran, a list of activities by
- | program name and window caption, and the
- | location of the program and it's files.
- WG1317.ZIP 264,221 10-17-96 WinGate v1.3.17 for Win 95/NT. Connect
- | your entire Lan to the Internet with just
- | one modem. Acts as a Proxy Server, which
- | enables other machines on the Lan to
- | access the Internet.